A New Fire for Christ

If you have read the About Me section of this blog, you will know that I recently moved from Dallas, Tx., to Gainesville, Fl. to be part of what is called “Organic Church.” We don’t have a pastor, paid clergy, programs, a big budget, or a building. Nor do we meet on Sunday mornings. We all participate in the meetings, decisions of the church, and sharing Jesus Christ together in our daily lives. Inspired by the Lord to move here, I left everything in Texas behind. Family, friends, comforts, all to be part of this here in Florida. That was about 3 months ago.

In this short amount of time I have been reignited for Christ! A fire that seemed lost has returned, yet even more glorious than before. This flame is much stronger and more full of life, I must say, than when I became saved! It is almost like being reborn…again. Now, I have only been a Christian barely 2 years now, and though perhaps hard to believe, I had a “wilderness” period at one time in my Christian walk. I felt as though nothing I did brought any fulfillment inside. For a time, I thought the Lord was upset with me. I attempted to do more and more “spiritual activities,” trying to please the Lord, so somehow I wouldn’t feel so empty. The Holy fire I had gained early in my walk with Him, seemed forever lost. But, it turns out, this was the cross. Looking back at it now, I see that the Lord was emptying me of all my resources. He was draining me in order for me to realize where and what he was calling me to. For a year I struggled with the concept of “Organic Church.” I had many discussions about it, many issues with it. At one time, I was dead-set against it. But I can see, now, that the Lord was all over me during this dry season. You see, all the “issues” I had with Organic Church were mere excuses to not have to leave my native land, Texas. To not have to leave the comforts of home, friends, and family. But deep down inside I knew where the Lord wanted me. I just didn’t want to go. After the Lord had removed all my resources, including job security, fear of leaving family, and of self-sufficiency, I left Dallas and came to Gainesville. This has been the best decision I’ve ever made, by far!

Once I arrived in Gainesville I was terrified. I was in a strange land and knew no one except a good brother and friend who moved here as well. (His story of how he got here is quite remarkable too.) But I knew that I had finally arrived. I was living the dream! I was, in actuality, in my native habitat as a Christian–Organic Church. These last three months have been absolutely glorious thus far. I’ve seen the Lord in such a new and fresh way that is simply indescribable. The fire I had in my eye as a brand new Christian has alas returned! I have fallen in love with my Lord once more, He has become my everything again. Not in a cliché, nor religious way, but in a real, physical way. There are days now that I actually feel like I can reach out and touch Him!

A lot of courage has sprung from this experience thus far. There was a time when Scriptures such as, 2 Corinthians 1:5: “For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives…,” that use to scare me and make me run away from such sufferings. The cross was something I dreaded! But now, it seems, that I’m almost ready for the cross of Christ. (See Watchmen Nee’s The Normal Christian Life for more dealings about the cross.) “For the joy set before me” I am ready to endure anything. This was never the case before I was part of an authentic Body of believers. Of course I say this now that I’m not currently experiencing the cross in any kind of major way. 🙂 But I must say, I believe I’m ready!

My wish is that every Christian could be part of an Organic Church to have freedom in the Lord. To meet Him on a more personal level, to go to their native habitat. (For more info on what Organic Church is, go to Present Testimony Ministry or see Frank Viola’s Blog or Milt Rodriguez) This is only the beginning of, hopefully, a long, beautiful journey in Organic Church. To grow in the midst of such saints that are here in Gainesville, is truly an honor and a pleasure!

If you have any questions about my experience in Organic Church, please, feel free to ask!

7 thoughts on “A New Fire for Christ

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  1. So Cool, Michael!

    Milt is coming up here to South Dakota soon and we’re all very excited to have him and Mary for a few months. It’s encouraging to hear how well you all are doing down there. A couple of us are coming to Threshold. Maybe we’ll meet you.

    Blessings, Cindy


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